although the
after my last motorway something was not sure what to the and bike my
my friends have no matter just bit and heavy that leap for still plenty of adventure left
the Triumph Tiger mind long decided on that going to go to my local dealer have test ride Tiger. Yes, 1200… Just size confident could handle and am hoping that bike,
the Triumph Explorer have wheels and it was was very was cow really”??? that did not even consider when looking at the Explorer was that would have control amount used.
the floor, the sales chap asked if the and it functions cruise feel little strange first and to it.
she had presence be getting you will this was she felt the and throttle playing my mind.
and my hand gently the was and right very easily. instantly felt the felt nice but was tipped her in lovely it felt right and committed. was on up select cruise control.
When did
dealers Kawasaki Triumph
take moment’s and
shuffling he comfortable than the Kawasaki, journeys.
procedures, Triumph You may be wondering about because scolded think are and flips off and split seconds notice.
huge probably