Would You Drink Alcohol With Bike Parts In It???

Harley Davidson riders love to travel. They love to drink. They also love to hang out while fixing their beloved bikes.

But in all this mix, there always lies the absurd. The Archeologist, created by Uwe Ehinger, is the first – and possibly only – gin to be ever mixed with motorcycle parts. Yes, you have read that one right. The idea sprung when a young and maybe drunk Uwe would dip rare bike parts in the spirits and eat it. No, that didn’t sound right. He dipped parts so that he can preserve its spirit.

This drink comes in 3 flavors: 1939 Flathead, 1947
knuckhead, and 1962 Panhead. They all cost £990 a pop. A bit pricey but would you rather drink motor oil?

An Instagram post says of it: taste in every sense. the Archeologist dry gin flavored with engine parts. I wonder how differently an aluminum piston-flavoured gin would taste from a steel crankshaft-flavoured one.

But if you think this is weird, Harley Davidson itself sells some pretty novelty stuff as well. For example the Harley’s original beef jerky that sells so well dealers sell it alongside the bikes. Harley-Davidson is a storied brand and they’ll stamp their name on anything and it will sell – like tampons.

There you have it, gin dipped engine parts which look like a bottled shipwreck. But, ooh, I would love to have a shot at it.

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